September 19, 2024
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Cats, they do little things and may break stuff. Hello GDM fans as you see we are going today we are going to be talking about pet cats.

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Cats, they do little things and may break stuff. Hello GDM fans as you see we are going today we are going to be talking about pet cats. Now, I got two and they are almost completely different. One of them tries to attack anything it sees basically just tries to attack my other cat and my other cat replies with a slap and then the other cat stops! It’s pretty hilarious XD. My cat that does everything wrong is called Icarus. The only good thing about him is that he actually hugs people. But only when he wants to or else he will just act like any other cat and tries to escape from getting a hug.

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My other cat is called Timo, she does everything right but has a smaller head then Icarus. She also smells really bad which is also a con. When she meows it’s like she can’t because it’s just so silent. Icarus on the other hand will just meow 24/7! Trying to get out. “meow” you get the idea. Sometimes Timo does meow too but it’s like a really rare site. Having cats is like having something furry and then just snuggle with it. (besides all the food you have to buy and give your cat” I like cats and maybe you would too. (fun fact: I used to be allergic to cats! Not anymore though) See you GDM fans!
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Author: Angus Sun

Angus is excited to learn as much as he can about Microsoft and
other technologies. The one thing he likes is computer programming and technical writing. He also likes playing video games whenever he has spare time. Other than that, he just spends time writing blogs and creating videos.